Don’t turn into Human Spam : Shut Up and Listen
My Blog, Office Life Dec 17, 2014

When I was in college, there was always one classmate in every creative writing workshop who claimed “I love to write, but I dont like to read“. It was evident right away that you pretty much write that kid off completely. As every write knows, if you want to be a writer, you have to be a reader first.
“The writing community is full of lame-o people who want to published in journals even though they don’t read the magazines that they want to published in, “says writer Dan Chaon. “These people deserve the rejections that they will undoubtedly receive, and no one should feel sorry for them when they cry about how they cant get anyone to accept their stories.
I call these people human spam, they’re everywhere and they exist in every profession. They don’t want to pay their dues, they want their piece right here, right now. They don’t want to listen to your idea’s. At the some point, they didn’t get the memo that the world owes none of us anything.
Even you’re artist, today artist aren’t just looking for fans or passive consumers of their work, they’re looking for potential collaborators or co-conspirators. these artist acknowledge that good work isn’t created in a vacuum, and that that the experience of art is always a two-way street, incomplete without feedback.
If you want fans, you have to be a fan first. If you want to be accepted by a community, you have to be a good citizen of that community. If you’re only pointing to your own stuff online, you’re doing it wrong. You have to be a connector.
The writer Blake Butler calls this being an open node. If you want to get, you have to give. If you want to be noticed, you have to notice. Shut up and listen once in a while. Be thoughful, Be considerate. Don’t turn into human spam, be an open node. (Credit : Austin Kleon, show your work)
What’s the point from me : I dont care how much you share the article’s or journal, if you never reads. Start to share something with conclusions from your point of view. I’m try to start from today, what about you?
About ROLLES HERWIN – Business Development | Startup Development | Loyalty Program
The life of a project, from conception to execution, is a passion of mine. From a simple Tweet to an entire undertaking of a new department, I enjoy it all.
I am passionate about product development, startup development, creating product from concept and teaching.
I can be reached at or 0813.30.632.632 .
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